97 Cell Towers Near Ripon, Wisconsin 54971
Ripon, Wisconsin Details
The City of Ripon is located within Fond du Lac County, WI. The city covers roughly 7.59 square miles. contains a total of 97 cell towers. This equates to roughly 13 towers per square mile.
The largest number of towers are registered by RIPON, CITY OF with 5 cell towers, RIPON MEDICAL CENTER with 5 cell towers and WISCONSIN POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY with 5 cell towers.
Of the major cellular carriers nationally AMS Spectrum Holdings, LLC is the top in the region with 2 cell towers , GRUETZMACHER, PATTY L DBA RIPON TAXI SERVICE is the second most with 1 cell towers and Charter Cable Partners, LLC is the third most with 1 cell towers.